Media Dealer 

Uplift Your Brand Using Direct Marketing With Content Creators.

Leverage the influence of social media and the popularity of TikTok to boost your brand. Media Dealer specialises in bridging the gap between businesses and content creators.
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Trusted by Industry
Leading Brands.

50 Million

Daily users on Tiktok

87 Million

Daily users on Facebook

15 Million

Daily users on Instagram

62 Million

Daily users on Twitter


Consumers Trust Influencers More Then Branded Media Content

Content creators are seen as unbiased, independent and have built-in audience who trusts their opinions and recommendations. They also have a personal brand that is built on authenticity and transparency, making them appear as experts in their field.
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what we do

Higher Quality Traffic & Better ROAS and Ultimately

Connecting businesses to a pool of influencers which market their brands. This is a specialised process as the influencers allocated to the brand will be discussed and decided on the best approach to market their brand.
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Conversion Rate



Why Choose Us

Increased trust
& credibility

When a reputable content creator promotes a product or service, their audience is more likely to trust and believe in it.

Greater Reach

Content creators often have a large following on social media and other platforms, which can greatly expand the reach of a marketing campaign.

Targeted Audience

By working with content creators in a specific niche or industry, businesses can more effectively target their desired audience.


Compared to traditional forms of advertising, content creator marketing can be more cost-effective and provide a higher return on investment.

Higher Engagement

Content creators- have higher engagement rates than content created by brands, which can lead to more conversions and sales.


Content creator marketing is often seen as more authentic and less intrusive than other forms of advertising, which can help to build positive brand sentiment.

How We Do It

Our Strategy to Grow Your Brand

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Simple & Easy Steps

Research & Identify Influencers

We research and identify content creators who align with your brand values and have an engaged following.
Use tools like social media analytics, influencer marketing platforms, and social media searches to find influencers with a relevant audience, high engagement rates, and a good reputation.

Reach Out & Negotiate

After selecting the content creators who are best suited to your brand, we are then able to further negotiate the terms of the partnership, including compensation, content guidelines, and metrics for measuring the success of the campaign.

Execute & Measure

Execute the campaign and work closely with the content creators to ensure that the content created aligns with your brand and campaign goals.
Measure the success of the campaign using metrics such as engagement rate, reach, and conversions.
Use the data and insights gained from the campaign to inform future influencer marketing strategies.
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